Thursday, April 8, 2010

Al Asmaaul Husna (Quranic Version)

In the Qur'an says that Allah has the Proper Names (Asmaaul-Husna)
and we humans are asked to call on God with it Asmaaul-Husna.It mentioned on Quran sorah 7:180, or we can say (we hope you accustomed with this kind spelling): DATA 07180. The sound of the verse is as follows:

And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them. And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they have been doing. 07180

However, we have been accustomed to say that it is Asmaaul-Husna 99 from several people before us. Yet if we look at the Hadith that call, it turns out it was not mentioned in the hadeeth of the words "Names". In the hadith it only mentions the word "Isman" which means "NAME"

Indeed, Allah has 99 names, are 100-1, who gathered him in heaven(Saheeh Muslim, 2302)

The question then:"So how Asmaaul-Husna definition based on the Qur'an?".We humans really need to understand precisely how real-Husna Asmaaul said, because 7180 data were also told that we should leave people who are guilty of mistakes on his name. 

And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names (07:180)

Therefor to understand Asmaaul-Husna version of the Koran, we need to consider this statement:

There has already been for you an excellent pattern in Abraham and those with him.... (60:4)

Because the Prophet Abraham is a good example, then surely he is a good example also in prayer. And if he prayed would call Asmaaul-Husna. Therefore we consider the Qur'anic verse that exemplifies the Prophet Ibrahim prayed.


Our Lord, make us not [objects of] torment for the disbelievers and forgive us, our Lord. Indeed, it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise (Al Azziizul Hakiim)." (60:5)

From Data  60.4 and 60.5, giving meaning to us that defines that Abraham was Asmaaul-Husna formed in A pair of Name. This was evidenced in his other prayers with the Prophet Isma'il when just finished raising the walls of Kaaba

"Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing.(Assamii'ul  'Aliim) (2:127)

And apparently there are 10 Prophets mentioned in the Quran which convey the couple's name, They are:

1.Prophet Abraham pbuh:
   (02127): Samii’ul-’Aliim
   (02128): Tawwaaburr-Rahiim
   (1436): Ghafuurur-Rahhim
   (6005): ’Aziizul-Hakiim

2. Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) pbuh:
   (1253) :Ghafuurur-Rahhim
3. Prophet Jacob pbuh:
4. Prophet Noah pbuh:
5. Prophet Shu’aib pbuh:

6. Prophet Lot pbuh:

7. Prophet Moses pbuh:

8. Prophet Solomon pbuh:
   (027,030) :Rahmaanir-Rahiim

9. Prophet Jesus pbuh:

10. Prophet Sholeh pbuh:

In the Quran there are 390 pair of those names again. 

Wallahu A'lam

Based on research of Fahmi Basya Hamdi (Indonesian Quranic scientist who leads SSQ DLA research Center) 

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